Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Oh!!!! Yes!!!

Am married???!!! Yeah! Still wondering if it has happened, largely in the positive sense. This is because have been continuing with 'my' life beautifully amalgamated to 'our' life. There has been certain changes which is so beautiful to make. During this period I realised, marriage is so much about accepting the similarity and enjoying the differences. I have been travelling and getting to know so much and realised so much more is there to know. Would be flying off to US in a matter of few days. Another beautiful family is being added to my 'I wish I need not have to leave them' LIST.... More to come soon....



suman said...

Nice to hear u after a hibernation of 3 months!

Unknown said...

Thank u for the post :P : P :P Its been a LOOONG time. I didnt realise it was 3 months!

Vinod said...

Chicago! big family awaits:-D JoyGD
be in love