Monday, September 28, 2009

YES to YES Consciousness

Rashmin Bhaiya(YES!+ Teacher) spoke of the importance of YES Consciousness in his blog( This is one of the most powerful technique to make a difference in one’s own life and have a positive impact on one’s soul. Recently Sharika was telling me that being in YES consciousness is the question. How to? People in this spiritual path, depending on their Sadhana and Karma, will atleast have the awareness that they are not in this consciousness. This itself is a big achievement.

Our Sadhana (Spiritual Practices), Seva (Unconditional Service), Satsang (Company of truth) and the Silence (within) will determine the extent and quality of this consciousness. We have all experienced the miracles of this Consciousness some or the other time.

Along with this, while giving it a thought, I realised it is a decision we take. For instance, today I decide I will be in this consciousness for next 24 hrs. Guruji always says when you want to make something good a habit, give short term goals. Hence clubbed with our Sadhana and our decision to remain in YES Consciousness, nothing can stop us from contentment and ultimately at any cause saving one’s own mind.

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