Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Sharika and Me.. A letter sent to me, one day before Friendship's Day, boosted myself with this one ...:) Did not edit it much :)

To have a friend who is by your side, no matter what, in spite of all the misgivings and fights and judgments and cries, is a blessing. I do not know what have I done to have such a beautiful blessing in my life. It is not in my nature to be in touch with people and yet somehow we seemed to have been stuck with each other for 9 years now!! For all the times we shared here, for all those midnight sobbings, for all those encouraging messages and forwards, for all the mean fights, for all those silent prayers, for all the infuriating acts, for all those stomach-hurting laughter, for all those mindless chats and gossips, for all those unseen acts of kindness, for that space and stillness shared in silence and for all the patience.. I am truly blessed to have a friend like you...

I KNOW you are supposedly my twin and all.. but I would still like to celebrate friendship day and some wise-ass said" Pyaar ko bus, pyaar hi rehene do, Use koi naam na do". So friend or sister or mum or teacher and guide , or my better half ( which I have felt so very many times, and which is why I believe we can have more than one soul mates:) I don't know what to call you.. But I have to say this you are someone who has been through me in this beautiful journey of self-discovery and in many ways than one helped me to know me better, the Guru better.

So, happy friendship day in advance and tons and heaps of love
p.s. just in case you didn't figure out, I am missing you :)


Unknown said...

who are these people from Dharwad and Hubli reading your blog?? and post good..photo - total embarrassment:)

suman said...

Forget the post...the pic is awesome ;) :D

Unknown said...

ha ha ha :):)

Unknown said...

Krishna Janmashtami spcl :):)

Sachin said...

Awsome Post..Boosted me as well.....

Sachin said...

Awsome...Boosted me aswelll.....

Ambalika said...

a very beautifully compiled piece... :) some relationships are meant to last a lifetime... :) touchwood! God bless your friendship always :)

amritha said...

both of u look extremely cute together... n sharika looks her usual crazy self

Unknown said...

@ vini: it was not krishna janmashtmai spl..it was May13th elebration both of us danced to " radhe radhe man bole"

Unknown said...

I knw ... I told Suman, this post is on account of coming Krishna Janmashtami :)